Having trouble getting getting to
the Internet with Windows 95? Our step-by-step guide makes it easier.
First the good news
Anyone who wrestled with Internet connections with Windows
3.1 will appreciate the improvements straight away. Instead of having to install a
separate Winsock program, Win 95 has got this built in, allowing Windows and Windows-based
programs to speak the same language as the Internet -- a language called TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Also, Win 95 includes plus robust
communications sub-system which supports the high-speed 16550 UART chip found in most
modern PCs which control your PC's COM port (or communication connection).
Our seven-step guide
All youve got to do is follow the seven steps below.
Note that some settings may vary depending on your ISP, so its best to have them fax
you a complete set of instructions.
Step 1
If youve previously installed any
Internet software, youll need to locate and disable its winsock.dll, which may
conflict with the one bundled into Windows 95. Use the Windows 95 Find feature (located on
the Start Menu) to search your entire hard drive for any file named winsock.dll. The one
you want to keep is in the \WINDOWS or \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory (dont panic if
its in both), dated 11/07/95 and 42Kb in size. Any others should be renamed --
right-click the file in the Find window, choose Rename from the pop-up menu and choose a
name such as winsock.old.
Step 2
A typical Windows 95 installations doesnt
include the Dial-Up Networking applet used to establish a connection with your Internet
access provider. If theres a Dial-Up Networking folder inside your desktops My
Computer icon, go to step 3. If not, open the Control Panel and choose the Add/Remove
Programs utility. Click the Windows Setup tab, in the Components list choose
Communications and click the Details button. Check the Dial-Up Networking box and click
OK. Then click OK again and feed the Windows 95 disks as required. Youll then be asked to provide computer and workgroup names to identify
your PC on a network -- theres nothing special about these, you can enter anything
you choose.
Step 3
Dial-Up Networking also installs a selection of
basic network components which can be viewed and configured by clicking the Configuration
tab in the Network dialogue box (the same dialogue in which you enter your PCs
identification details). This is where
youll configure your Windows 95 system for all network access including the Internet
-- to reach this dialogue at a later stage open the Control Panel and select the Network
Start by getting rid of the excess baggage: if your PC is not
part of a network (and you wont be dialling into an office LAN) select Client for
Microsoft Networks and click Remove. Repeat this with Client for NetWare Networks,
IPX/SPX-compatible Protocol and NetBEUI. At this stage all that should be remaining is the
Dial-Up Adaptor.
Now click the Add button and in the Select Network Component
Type dialogue choose Protocol, then click Add again. In the Manufacturers list box select
Microsoft and in the Network Protocols list box select TCP/IP, then click OK.
Step 4
Back in the Network dialogue box select Dial-Up
Adaptor, click Properties and under the Bindings tab ensure that TCP/IP is selected. Then
return to the Network dialogue, select TCP/IP and click the Properties button. Some of the
information youll enter into the TCP/IP configuration will be generic to any
Internet setup, others will vary from one access provider to another.
- IP Address: Click the button to 'Obtain an IP
address automatically' unless you will be using the one IP address each time -- in which
case, enter your access providers IP address and subnet mask.
- DNS Configuration: Unless otherwise
instructed by your access provider, click the Enable DNS button and enter your host name
(usually your user name) and the providers domain name (without the @ symbol which
comes between your user name and the host name). Enter the DNS IP address in the box under
DNS Server Search Order and click the Add button. If instructed by your access provider,
add their domain name under Domain Suffix Search Order.
- Gateway: If you use a fixed (not dynamic) IP
address you should enter this on the Gateway tab sheet.
- WINS Configuration: Ensure that the button
labelled Disable WINS Resolution is checked.
If you have followed all the above steps, and unless
otherwise instructed by your access provider, you can ignore the Advanced and Bindings
Select OK and in the Network dialogue box hit OK again.
Youll need to feed the Windows 95 installation disks again and restart the PC when
this is completed.
Step 5
Open My Computer and double-click the Dial-Up
Networking folder. Because this is your first DUN entry, youll be greeted with a
wizard -- the next time you open this folder youll see the usual iconic folder view.
You can invoke the wizard to create additional connections (to alternative access
providers, for example) by double-clicking the Make New Connection icon. Follow the wizards prompts to enter the name and dial-up phone number
of your access provider. This will create an icon for your access provider in the Dial-Up
Networking folder.
Step 6
Right-click the icon and choose Properties from
the pop-up menu. Uncheck the button labelled 'Use country code and area code' if you are
in the same STD area as your Internet access provider. Click the Configure button and
under the Options tab select 'Bring up terminal window after dialling'. This will display
a terminal screen with which you can log into the access providers computer and
begin each Internet session. Click OK and then select Server Type. Select the Type of Dial-Up Server as being 'PPP: Windows 95, Windows NT,
Internet' and ensure that the only box checked is that marked TCP/IP under the 'Allowed
Network protocols' heading.
Click the TCP/IP Settings button and enter the IP and DNS
addresses as supplied by your access provider. The buttons 'Use IP header compression' and
'Use default gateway on remote network' are checked by default, however, IP header
compression has been known to cause some connection difficulties -- if you have trouble
connecting, you may want to uncheck this box.
Click each OK button until youre back in the Dial-Up
Networking folder.
Step 7
Right-drag the icon onto the desktop and select
Create Shortcut Here to make a desktop shortcut for Internet access (then right-click the
icon, choose Rename and get rid of that annoying 'Shortcut to' text). Double-click this to
dial your access provider and when the terminal screen appears follow the log in prompts,
then press F7 to run your Net applications.
Logging on
You can streamline the logon process by creating a script
with the Dial-Up Scripting utility included on the Windows 95 CD-ROM (in the
\ADMIN\APPTOOLS\DSCRIPT folder). It can also be downloaded from Microsofts Internet
site at http://www.microsoft.com.
Now your Web browser, and whatever other Net software you've
installed, can actually get onto the Net. Or, if you haven't already installed them,
install them now.
By David Flynn |