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PC User Interactive

We can't fit everything in the magazine -- and when you check out everything we've packed onto the CD, you'll understand why! So welcome to PC User Interactive -- where you'll find tutorials, listings and other files exclusive to the PC User Offline CD-ROM.

Assessing your Web site host: Helen Bradley and John Hilvert look at some of the things you should consider when you're shopping around for an ISP or if you're evaluating your current service.

International JavaScript Clock (take 2) John Hilvert and Helen Bradley explain how to set your Web page clock to display the time of different global locations.
(This is a reprise of the tutorial on our October CD ,with ammended code)

Whizz-bang worksheets: Helen Bradley demonstrates two neat effects to add to your Excel 97 worksheets.

Customised calendar: Helen Bradley shares a unique gift idea that is personal and inexpensive.

Help with Help -- part 2: Helen Bradley shows you how to connect the Help file to the VB Daily Quotes program.

Australian ISPs: The latest pricing, dial-up points and other details on over 750 Internet Service Providers across Australia!

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