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Software Contents


General & Business Applications

Productivity trialware and shareware for Windows 95, 3.1 and DOS.
See also
Internet applications for business collaboration tools and more.


Windows 95/98
Windows 3.1

Christmas Shareware

Windows 95 / 98

Food Composition
Registered Price: free
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: http://www.siestasoftware.com

Food Composition is a free database containing nutritional information on 6,000 foods. The food items appear in alphabetical order, and you can check on 31 nutrients contained in each. For example, when you select a food, you're shown the calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sodium, cholesterol, saturated fats, fibre, calcium, plus many vitamins and minerals. You can also choose up to three different serving sizes. If you're concerned about your health-or even if you just want to work out whether you're eating a healthy diet-this program can be one of your most useful tools.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Food Composition Now


A free database, containing 6,000 foods, with complete nutritional information on each.
Invoice 98
Registered Price: $140
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: http://www.bls-software.com

Most invoicing programs are either too complex or too simple. Invoice 98 is a robust invoicing system which is easy to set up (just enter your business's details), intuitive to use, and which also provides reports that are created as you need them. The program's biggest benefits are that you can keep track of your customers, your customer's orders, and the inventory in your business simply. You can print invoices for each order, as well as mailing labels, your customers' list, and an inventory list. Handy features include: multiple new invoices can be created at a time; browse through all customers' orders; view and update customer information easily; inventory file is updated automatically after changes to the customer file; import and export files for use in other programs; print multiple invoices for end-of-month billing; backup and restore; networking capabilities are built in; and much more.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Invoice 98 Now


Easy invoicing for your business.
Flowers of Heaven Screensaver
Registered Price: free
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: http://www.come2mum.com

This relaxing screensaver combines pictures of numerous types of flowers with inspiring Bible verses and MIDI music. There are options to use up to 21 different transition effects, including blinds, dissolves and slides, and there is support for Microsoft Plus if you have it installed.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Flowers of Heaven Screensaver Now


Letter Chase Typing Tutor
Registered Price: free
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: www.download.com

Letter Chase is a clever typing tutor, and it's totally free. It's useful on anyone's computer, whether you're a keyboard novice, or an expert. You can choose from a variety of exercises, as well as skill levels. If you're a beginner or an intermediate typist, you're helped by a graphical keyboard and pair of hands, which show you where the keys are and where to place your fingers. Expert typists can improve their words per minute rate by customising the various drills with set goals. You'll also find a game called "Speedy", various options in the Tests section, sounds, and a section for learning the number keypad.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Letter Chase Typing Tutor Now


Letter Chase is a clever typing tutor, and it's totally free.
Lottery Magic 98
Registered Price:
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: www.download.com

This program provides you with an unlimited supply of randomly generated numbers to play Lotto-style games. The program has an attractive interface and is easy to use. You can generate up to seven two-digit numbers at one time, and can then copy them to the clipboard, or save them to a file or to a list. If you have your own lucky numbers, you can specify that these be included in your results. There are a number of advanced options for experienced users. Apparently several people have won using this program, so good luck!

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Lottery Magic 98 Now


This program provides you with an unlimited supply of generated numbers to play Lotto-style games.
SyTools 32
Registered Price: $35
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: www.hotfiles.com

SyTools 32 helps you to design expert flowcharts, maps, and many different business diagrams. The interface is completely WYSIWYG. You don't have to go hunting for the tools you need, because a floating palette offers four separate areas with tools to add shapes, text, special-effects, connectors, and images. The program's many features include rotation, alignment, flipping, 3D effects, plus adding images and colour. The Help file is short but comprehensive-make sure you check it out for features which aren't obvious, such as the Form Maker, which allows you to create professional forms.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install SysTools 32 Now


This program helps you to create flowcharts and maps.
Windows 3.1
Bill's Calendar
Registered Price: $35
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: www.srosystems.com

Bill's Calendar is not a PIM; it's an easy and handy area to keep text and audio notes, and to schedule your daily tasks. The calendar and schedule can be printed, and you can even export your calendars to the Web. The program's main screen consists of a calendar; you can shrink it to hide everything but the date, so that you always have access to it-the program remembers where you put it the last time it was opened. You can have one audio "notes" file per day.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Bill's Calendar Now
Note: This program will not install from within a Web browser. To install use File Manager and browse to your CD-ROM drive. Open the directory general\win31\calendar\ and double click the file install.exe to install the program


This program is a handy place to keep your daily notes, and your schedule.

DOS program should normally be run from the DOS prompt. Any links we have provided below are for Windows users to try running or installing the program in a DOS Window. If this fails to work however you will need to exit to DOS and try from there


Galahad word processor and utilities
Registered Price: free
star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)star.gif (195 bytes)
URL: http://www.completelyfreesoftware.com/general_programs_w31.html#gal210a

Galahad is a powerful, free word processor, which comes with a lot of additional utilities, such as a spell checker and a language analyser. It also has some DTP features. It runs well under W3.x, and Windows 95/98. The features include: programmable keys, scientific equation support, print preview, real-time spell-checking as you enter text, and more.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Galahad word processor and utilities Now
Note: This collection of programs do not come with an install routine. Just copy the directory \general\dos\galahad\ to a location on your hard drive. View the various README files for details on the programs and how to use them.

View first readme file now.



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