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Bug Patrol - Updates and fixes from this month's Bug Patrol Column

Rose Vines finds bugs and provides fixes and workarounds for your favourite applications.


In the past month we've seen both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator spring new security leaks. We've also seen the withdrawal by Microsoft of its initial Office 97 Service Release 2 (SR-2).

Indeed, security holes in browsers appear to be so common that you can assume that whichever browser you're using is probably fair -- albeit unlikely -- game for some type of malicious attack. Almost monthly we see the release of new updates and patches. This month's latest is the Cuartango vulnerability, also known as the Untrusted Script Paste. The browser companies are yet to release patches that address this problem: if you're ultra concerned about what is an unlikely risk, your best bet is to turn off active scripting in your browser's options or preferences. Most of these security holes involve some form of script language.

Here at PC User we try to ensure you always have the latest patches available. Even if new security breaches are uncovered in the meantime, by installing the updates on our CD-ROM you can keep abreast of the latest round of fixes at least.

The same goes for major patches such as Office 97 SR-2. Microsoft withdrew the release a week or so after it was made available because some people encountered problems installing it and found the patch failed to do its job. A new SR-2 patch is due out shortly and we'll put it on our cover disc as soon as it's available. Of course, for some people the initial SR-2 worked just fine: If you're one of those people there's no need to reinstall the next SR-2 revision.

What's on the CD?
On this month's cover CD-ROM you'll find:

Netscape Communicator: The full version of Communicator 4.07 for Windows 95 and NT (cc32e407.exe) and for Windows 3.x (cc16e407.exe).

Eudora Pro: The update to upgrade Version 4.x of Eudora Pro to Version 4.1 (ep4xto41.exe).

Outlook 98: The updated Outlook 98 patch (outptch2.exe) which fixes a problem with e-mail attachments and long filenames.

Netscape Communicator

Son of Cache Cow

At the beginning of October, Netscape released Communicator 4.07. This revision fixed a JavaScript security vulnerability known as Cache Cow. It also snuck in a few of the upcoming features of Communicator 4.5, making it a worthwhile download.

We've included Communicator 4.07 (which includes Navigator 4.07) on this month's CD-ROM. However, a new JavaScript hole has been discovered, called Son of Cache Cow, which is not addressed by 4.07.

Son of Cache Cow allows a script to be run which can steal the filenames of the local directory of a computer visiting a Web site. We're likely to see a fix for it within the next month or so.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Netscape Communicator 4.07 for Windows 95/98 Now

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Netscape Communicator 4.07 for Windows 3.1x Now


Eudora Pro

New features and fixes

Qualcomm has released version 4.1 of Eudora Pro. The new release includes many new features and also some fixes for security problems that have been around for some time.

Chief among the security fixes is the elimination of the e-mail attachment, long filename bug that affected Microsoft Outlook Express and Netscape Communicator as well as Eudora. There's also a new setting which lets you control the running of any code included in a message. Another couple of dozen fixes and improvements are part of the update.

In terms of new features, you'll now be able to check and send mail using multiple accounts simultaneously in the background. This means you can continue to work while Eudora takes care of all your accounts. Eudora can also now import settings, mail and address books from Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express and Netscape Communicator.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Eudora Pro 4.1 Update Now

Requires the full version of Eudora 4.x be installed.

note.gif (244 bytes)View Readme File for this update now


Microsoft Outlook

Security patch problems

Microsoft recently released a security patch for Microsoft Outlook 98. If you haven't yet installed it, you can grab a copy from this month's cover disc.

If you've tried to install the patch you may have run across the message "You do not have the correct version of Microsoft Outlook. This patch is intended for Microsoft Outlook 98" or the message "You must have installed Microsoft Outlook to use this patch."

Both these messages appear if you attempt to install the patch into Outlook 97 instead of Outlook 98. You'll also get these messages if you have both versions of Outlook installed on your computer and Outlook 97 is installed in the default location.

According to Microsoft, Outlook 97 and Outlook 98 are not designed to coexist. If you want to use Outlook 98 and install the patch, you'll first need to remove Outlook 97. You can also install Outlook 98 over Outlook 97, providing you follow the directions carefully, and then install the patch.

dlicon.gif (151 bytes) Install Outlook 98 Update Now


Crayola Art Studio

Get your sounds back
If you've been using Crayola Art Studio 2 under Windows 3.x you may have been doing so in silence. Micrografx has released a patch which fixes sound problems under Windows 3.x and which also addresses problems reading the CD in both Windows 3.x and Windows 95.

Micrografx has an online 'usage agreement' you must accept before downloading the patch, so we can't put it on our cover CD-ROM. But you can get it for yourself by visiting www.micrografx.com/download/as2patch.asp


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